Bosch Dishwasher Test Programs, Diagnostic Mode, and Error Codes

Test/diagnostic mode for Bosch dishwasher models:
SHU43, SHU53, SHU68
SHI43, SHI53, SHI68
SHV43, SHV48
SHU33, SHU99

If sumpin’ ain’t raht with your Bosch dishwasher, one of the first things you’re gonna wanna do is put that sucker into test/diagnostic mode. This may give an error code that can point you in the right direction for where to look for the problem such as the heating circuit or the water filling system. These handy little sheets show you how to get into test mode and what the error codes mean.

If you need more troubleshooting help, come talk to us in the Kitchen Forum and we’ll hepya git ‘er done.

Bosch Dishwasher Multi-Model Test Programs

To learn more about your dishwasher, or to order parts, click here.


3 thoughts on “Bosch Dishwasher Test Programs, Diagnostic Mode, and Error Codes

  1. finiteresource

    How can you tell if the test is finished? do the 2 RHS LEDs switch off? (they switch on at the start of the test). Another blog sugested it takes 20 minutes. I get code 1 in about 1 minute, but clicking the “skip” button several times causes some relays to click.

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