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The Ten Commandments for Reading Appliance Model Numbers

appliance tip of the day archive I can't tell you how many times I go to help some grasshopper with his or her appliance problem and they give me a bad model number. Without a valid model number, I can't look up diagrams or find out anything about your appliance. If you can't give me a good model number, don't waste your time or mine typing out a question to email me. So here are the Ten Commandments for Reading Appliance Model Numbers:

  1. Thou shalt read the model number directly off the manufacturer's tag affixed to the appliance.

  2. Thou shalt use these diagrams to help you locate the manufacturer's tag if you are having trouble.

  3. Thou shalt not offer up the excuse that the manufacturer's tag could not be located on the appliance; yea verily, this is bullshit that doth stinketh in my nostrils.

  4. Thou shalt read the model number under the illumination of a flashlight.

  5. Thou shalt not offer up the model number unless it was read under the illumination of a flashlight.

  6. Thou shalt double and triple check the accuracy of the model number before offering it up.

  7. Thou shalt not offer up a model number until its accuracy has been double and triple checked.

  8. Thou shalt not offer up any model number found on any printed manuals associated with the appliance.

  9. Thou shalt not omit the three digit number to the left of the decimal point in model number for a Kenmore appliance.

  10. Thou shalt offer up thy fermented praises to the United Samurai Beer Fund.

grasshoppers offering their verified and accurate model numbers to the master

I know, you're wondering how I do it--how did I manage to create the most awesome appliance repair website on the internet and be such a stud-muffin all at the same time?  My secret:  beer.  Lots and lots of beer.  Here's your chance to contribute to my debauchery. Back to General Appliance Smarts

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