Greetings! I’ve had to temporarily suspend the Live Help program whilst I setup a new file hosting and sharing service.
I used to store and share my vast library of service manuals using Xdrive, which was, at one time, the premier secure file sharing service. Sometime in 2007, AOL bought ’em out and, as you would expect, Xdrive went steadily downhill after that because AOL has a gift for turning everything they touch into a steaming pile of monkey dung (they have a lot in common with Microsoft in this respect).
After suffering through numerous problems and technical glitches with Xdrive under the new AOL management, the unthinkable happened: Xdrive shat the bed and lost all my files. I was shocked to discover that their “support” drones were worse than useless. But then I stumbled across a recent announcement that AOL is shutting down Xdrive permanently at the end of the year. No surprise there; in fact, it explains a lot about my experience with them.
Since unlimited access to all my service manuals was a key feature of the Live Help program, I’ve had to suspend the Live Help program. I still have all the manuals on my local hard drive but now I have to locate a new secure file sharing service and set up shop there.
But fear not, my intrepid seeker of higher appliantological wisdom! You can still get help fixing your appliance from Master Appliantologists, including your fermented host, in the world-famous Samurai Appliance Repair Forums.