- “Why isn’t my dryer drying?”
- “Why isn’t my washer washing?”
- “Why isn’t my micro waving?”
- “Why is my refrigerator warm and my oven cold?”
Appliance problems gotcha scratching your head? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to actually talk to a Master Appliantologist and get answers to your appliance repair questions?
Once again, wantonly forsaking all the laws of sound economics, the Samurai demonstrates his utter contempt for anything even remotely resembling good bidness sense. Introducing the Toll-free Appliance Repair Hotline available here, and only here, at Fixitnow.com. Call toll-free 24 hours a day, seven days a week and leave me a message describing your appliance problem. I’ll call you back on my nickel and we’ll talk about your appliance problem. Many times, the information you need is already at my website and I can tell you where to find it. Sometimes, it’s a simple thing and I can explain how to fix it. Where else but Fixitnow.com can you find such an insane deal? Oh, and did I mention that it’s free?