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Wednesday, May 07, 2003Here's Hodji's latest Liberty Buzz: Look, if the Libertarian Party, the should-be beacon of Constitutional Liberty in this country, can't even get it right, then how can we possibly expect more from the sheeple? Ilana Mercer refines the Samurai's theme of McLiberty in her latest article. And Jason B. Romano give a good rigorous treatment to the problems with a state-run defense system. "Homeland Security" or "Gubmint Security?" You decide. Other people can see it, even the frikkin' Germans see it. Why can't we? Meanwhile, back in the doghouse, the trotskyite neocon dogs are salivating for some Syrian meat. Ok, so which was it: self-defense, a preemptive strike or responding to an immediate threat? Might as well face it, you're addicted to drug warz. Should a mall be able to kick out people who are walking around with anti-war t-shirts? Should a restaurant be able to deny service to black people? If you answer 'no' to either of these questions, you need a good primer on Free Speech, Free Association, and Private Property. I love paying taxes. Yeah, giving money to pornographers so they can distribute condoms, mailing Socialist Insecurity checks to fugitives...what, you didn't know you were paying for that? Oh yeah, all that and lots, lots more! Speaking of taxes, I didn't know that most of what I'm paying for in a cold, frosty mug of beer is gubmint bureaucracy. Now they're starting to hit me where it hurts! Can you say "Hail, Caesar?" Your Slave in Liberty,
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 22:23 ET. [permalink]
![]() Grasshopper. I am your gracious host, Samurai Appliance Repair Man.
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