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Friday, February 18, 2005

Montana to The Beast: "Up Yours!"

Lawmakers in the Montana House of Representatives collectively thumbed their noses at the federal government Monday by approving two bills exempting guns from federal regulations and driver's licenses from national standardization requirements. The bills by Reps. Diane Rice, R-Harrison, and Roger Koopman, R-Bozeman, do different things but are driven by the same concern: the erosion of personal liberties by the federal government. [read more]

This action by the Montana House sets a dangerous precedent. Just imagine what could happen if more states started acting unilaterally to nullify federal law. We could end up with a federal government bound and gagged by the terms of the Constitution! No more Department of Education to keep the masses uniformly dumbed-down, no more federal funding for masterpieces such as the crucifix dipped in urine. No more Income Tax; we just cannot have this-- there's just no telling what people would do if they're allowed to keep more of their own money to spend as they see fit. Why, they might go buy guns, or something!

Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 20:40 ET.  [permalink]
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