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Appliance Problem Solution
Blender It's Broken! Git a new one!
Bread Machine It's Broken! Git a new one!
Coffee Grinder It's Broken! Git a new one!
Crock Pot It's Broken! Git a new one!
Fan It's Broken! Git a new one!
Food Processor It's Broken! Git a new one!
Lamp It's Broken! Git a new one!
Mixer It's Broken! Git a new one!
Scrotum Scrubber It's Broken! Git a new one!
Toaster It's Broken! Git a new one!
Electric Toothbrush It's Broken! Git a new one!
Vibrators It's Broken! Git a new one!
George Foreman Grill It's Broken! Git a new one!

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