How would you like to advertise your appliance service bidness right here at, the muthah of all appliance repair websites, for FREE! Yep, absotootely free. It’s the Appliance Servicer AD-vantage Program offered here, and ONLY here, at! All you have to do is actively participate in the repair forum at the Appliantology Group, dispensing your pearls of appliance wisdom to the teeming masses yearning for free wisdom and your ad will run in the text ad box that appears on almost every web page here at The ad boxes look like this:
As you can see, the ad consists of a linkable header and a message that you create. Your ad will rotate with all the other ads in the queue for free as long as you’re an active participant in the forum. Sound like a great deal? That’s ‘cuz it is! To get started, set up a free user account with the Ad Server and create your ad. Don’t worry about the payment part. I’ll see the ad when I log in and if I recognize you from the repair forum, I’ll inject your ad into the system to run on the website indefinitely. Oh, did I mention that it’s FREE?