Man, do I owe you a six-pack!!!!Your web site saved me at least $75.00. I had a venting problem(you were right) and when disconnected, the dryer worked fine. After about 30 mins of swearing and shortening the flex vent,IT STILL DIDN’T WORK!!!!!!!!!!
and shut off after 30 secs. Anyways, I did more investigating and found that the exterior stucco idiots had stuccoed the vent door closed and once this was chiseled out, the dryer is working fine.
Thanks for giving me a place to start troubleshooting from. Let your readers know that when purchasing a new home, to make sure the trap door is working on the vent.Thanks Samurai Master
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Ah, grasshopper, although the Samurai is honored by your accolades, it is you who deserves the laurel of victory. It is your own persistence that ultimately led to the discovery of the problem with your dryer vent. I merely provided you with a weapon of knowledge, but it was you who applied this knowledge and thus converted it into true appliance wisdom. I have helped other grasshoppers who battled dryer venting demons in their new house. If all my grasshoppers would evince the same fighting spirit as you have, we could eradicate appliance disease from the face of the earth and usher in the era of total union of man and appliance foretold in the Appliantopia Prophecy.