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Monday, September 30, 2002Appliance Tip Update In case you're new to this website, here's a table of all the Appliance Tip of the Day posts to date. If you'd like to receive this and other fun facts to know and tell in your email, you can join the Appliantology group. Keep in mind that since new tips are continually being added and this entry was posted in September, 2002, this table is already out of date. You can see the current table of tips here. Happy fixing!
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 20:26 ET. [permalink]
Appliantology Newsgroup Now you can get Samurai Appliance Repair Man's pearls of wisdom delivered directly to your email. Yah, when you join the Appliantology newsgroup, updates to this website will be emailed to you as soon as they're posted. Don't worry, the mail list is run by MSN Groups so you can easily unsubscribe anytime or choose to just receive daily digests. When you join the Appliantology newsgroup, you get access to all kinds of special goodies like the Appliantology chat room and a special files and photos area. So, go ahead and subscribe--all your other friends are doing it.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 02:26 ET. [permalink]
Sunday, September 29, 2002Cool Stuff Update Just got new bidness cards made up. Here, take some and pass 'em around. Delight your friends, taunt your enemies. Share the love, yo!
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 23:22 ET. [permalink]
Saturday, September 28, 2002Hillstomping Update Got a break in the weather today so Ouzo and I are going hike two sections of the Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway: the section from Wadleigh State Park to Kearsarge Valley Road and then continuing on the Lincoln Trail, going up to the summit of Mt. Kearsarge and then down to Winslow State Park. Just over a 10 mile hike. The Spousal Unit will drop us off at Wadleigh State Park this morning and then pick us up at Winslow State park this afternoon. From there, we'll go right to our annual neighborhood party, Otterfest, to finish off the hike with burgers, brews, and neighbors. Later days, brah.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 09:43 ET. [permalink]
Friday, September 27, 2002
"But what about Kenmore, why aren't they in the table?," you ask. That's because Kenmore doesn't make anything but money. "Kenmore" is just a label owned by Sears and represents nothing more than a bunch of bureaucrats at Sears who get one of the Big Four to make their stuff for them. Period. There ain't no "Kenmore" factory in Malaysia or anywhere else. You can decode your Kenmore model number here to find out which one of the Big Four dunnit.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 17:54 ET. [permalink]
Live Help Update It's a chilly day with a much-needed steady rain here in New Hampster. Since I'm a wuss and won't be out stomping the hills in these unsavory conditions, I'll have my warm dry tushy planted right here in front of the 'pooter most of the day. You got questions, we got answers...maybe not the one's you wanna hear, but we got 'em.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 14:33 ET. [permalink]
Thursday, September 26, 2002Live Help Update Mrs. Samurai is having a bunch of her homeschooling Mom friends over tonight for a yak session. Since my computer is out in the family room where a bunch of women will be milling about and clucking, guess where I won't be? Yeah, so while they're here, I'll be down in my workshop getting my backpacking gear together for my next trip somewhere, sometime. If I'm still sober enough to type, I should be online for live help by mid to late evening. Later, brah.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 17:01 ET. [permalink]
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
Dell hell. I'm gonna buy some more White Winter Premium Oak Brackett. This stuff elevates beer drinking to a new level. Brackett is a style of mead, which is an alcoholic drink made from honey, water and yeast. Mead-making pre-dates beer and wine making, having origins dating back 8,000 years. Brackett originates from ancient Scandinavia and is made by adding malt to mead. It's a stout, full-bodied drink with a slightly thicker viscosity and higher alcohol content than other fermented grain beverages. Legend has it that sweet mead promotes fertility. Ladies, this mead's for you!
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 22:53 ET. [permalink]
Notes: [1] Replacement means you're replacing an existing icemaker in a fridge that already had one. Add-On means you're installing an icemaker kit in a fridge that never had one. Add-on kits come with the water valve and ice bin, replacement kits do not. You can use an add-on kit for a replacement but you can't use a replacement kit for an add-on. [2] The style of plug refers to the type of icemaker electrical receptacle that you can see on back wall inside your freezer. [3] Kit comes with both a flat and round receptacle plug. [4] This is the type of water installation kit recommended by manufacturers. Uses only genuine copper tubing with a drill-type saddle tap valve. For more information, see this page. [5] The defrost timer is built into the flex tray icemaker. If you just want to get rid of the flex tray icemaker in your fridge, you'll need to install this replacement defrost timer kit or your fridge won't run. You'll have a hard time finding a replacement flex tray icemaker because they suck so bad. If yours is busted and you can't fix it, you're better off without it.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 19:22 ET. [permalink]
Monday, September 23, 2002Live Help Update I'm here this evening, chained to the computer, writing new content, answering forum posts, adding new bells and whistles and, of course, chatting with grasshoppers on live help. Ring me up, Scotty!
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 18:41 ET. [permalink]
Saturday, September 21, 2002Live Help Update
Special Grasshopper: My washer doesn't wash anymore. Any ideas?
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 11:58 ET. [permalink]
Friday, September 20, 2002
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 23:45 ET. [permalink]
Thursday, September 19, 2002The Fixit Boyz White Mountain Journey
They hiked up the Old Bridal Path to Mt. Lafayette. Being flatlanders, Fishnutz and Tomscat held a prayer session asking the Mountain Spirit for the strength to finish their journey. Despite enormous pain, they continued their three-day journey around the Franconia Ridge, enjoying many wonderful views. And they all finished their journey. Amen.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 14:16 ET. [permalink]
Live Help Update Been having annoying internet connection problems this week. Like I say in the gray sidebar on the right hand side of this page: my ISP, Aldephia, sucks. I mean REALLY sucks out loud. All week, cable modem access has been sporadic, working fine for a few minutes, then choking. And I'm paying $50/month for this crap. Oh, I know what you're saying, you're saying, "Hey, quit your whining about your ISP. What have you done for me lately and when are you gonna be back online for live help?" Well, y'see, Slick, if I can't get on the internet reliably then live help don't work. Patience, Grasshopper: I'm working on changing ISPs even as I write this. Hopefully by this time next week, I'll be connecting via DSL and saying buh-bye to glitchy cable modem.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 04:52 ET. [permalink]
Sunday, September 15, 2002Live Help Update The Maternal Parental Unit (MPU) and her Spousal Unit (SU) are visiting us through next Saturday so live help will be sporatic during their visit. I'll answer questions in the forum as much as I can. I appreciate all the help in the forum from the other gurus, especially Guido from CT, Appliance Aid, and Moostafa. Domo, dudes!
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 16:23 ET. [permalink]
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 13:54 ET. [permalink]
Wednesday, September 11, 2002Word of the Day And the Word of the Day is "mawkish."
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 07:09 ET. [permalink]
Tuesday, September 10, 2002Return of the Samurai
Ok, I didn't really get a mohawk. I'm not overtly angry, either, just the usual inward-directed anger that makes me mildly bipolar and prone to substance abuse. And I'm only a little black. But I really am back. I gotta say, that was the best hike ever in the White Mountains. Trail stories by request. Film at eleven. I couldn't convince my flat-lander hiking buddies to bag the Bonds this trip. So, I'm doing 'em this week, Thursday-Friday, hiking up via the Lincoln Woods trail, camping at Guyot campsite Thursday night, and then returning the same way on Friday. Weather forecasts are spectaculous. I'll be around today and tomorrow, on and off of live help, but then I'm gone Thursday and Friday, back online late Friday night or Saturday morning. Talk to you later, M'bassoo.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 13:09 ET. [permalink]
Friday, September 06, 2002Signing Off 'till Next Week...maybe Well, this is it, compadre. My last entry for the week and possibly my last entry ever. The Fixit Boyz will all be mustering up here at Brown Compound in about an hour from now for the Third Annual Fixit Boyz Hillstomp. We'll go through gear, make a last minute supply run, and then adjourn to the Flying Goose Brew Pub for a pre-hike briefing and 16 oz. wrist curls. I may be back online next week or I may just die on the mountain. If you don't hear from me again, in lieu of flowers please contribute to the United Samurai Beer Fund® so Mrs. Samurai can continue this most Noble Work. Domo.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 15:36 ET. [permalink]
Thursday, September 05, 2002Live Help Update Yep, I'll be on live help tonight for as much as I can stand it. When I can't stand it any more, I'll be unavailable for live help but still hanging around the forum pretending to answer questions. I'll probably go back and forth like this for a while until I just get so dizzy that I throw up and pass out.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 20:29 ET. [permalink]
Gear Review: The Kelty 50th Anniversary Pack
Congratulations to all the visionaries at Kelty Corporation, and especially the Accounting, Marketing, and Quality Assurance Departments!
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 07:55 ET. [permalink]
Wednesday, September 04, 2002Live Help Update Yesterday was a surreal succession of things going wrong while pulling my gear together for the Fixit Boyz Hillstomp this weekend. It all began when I discovered defective mission-critical stitching in my new Kelty 50th Anniversary backpack.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 08:45 ET. [permalink]
Sunday, September 01, 2002Q. What could be more fun than a handful of leeches? A. MORE LEECHES! Q. What equipment do you need to hunt for leeches? A. Just your bare hands and a specially-trained leech hunting hound. Q. Where do you hunt for leeches? A. The best place we've found is Mill Pond at Pillsbury State Park.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 23:09 ET. [permalink]
Uploaded the rest of the photos from our family camping trip to Moose Brook State Park last month. Good times, good times.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 22:17 ET. [permalink]
Get notified by email when your skivvies are dry. And now your life is happy and full. Have you seen the Navy's new website? Dude, this site rocks! If I was 20 years younger, I'd re-enlist all over again...ok, maybe not, but it's still a cool flash intro.
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 22:07 ET. [permalink]
The most common problem that you, the unsuspecting GE owner, will run into with this contraption is when it inexplicably goes into fault mode. This icemaker has a green LED on the right hand side, below the power-on rocker switch, shown here. When that LED starts flashing at the rate of ½ second on, ½ second off, welcome to fault mode, compadre. The main reasons this icemaker goes into fault mode are:
More diagnostic info on the IM6, including how to initiate the harvest cycle, here. The thermistor is one busy dude in this icemaker. It's contantly sensing the temperature of the ice mold and controls just about everything, from the mold heater to the ice harvest. It will fail either electrically open or shorted. Either way, you're screwed...unless you know how to check it. Would you like to know? Ok, I'll tell you. First, locate the thermistor on the icemaker and pull that sucker right out of the printed circuit board. Now, clip your ohm meter leads to the thermistor terminals and check the resistance according to this temperature-resistance chart. If your thermistor tests bad, come git you a new one! If the thermistor is good but the icemaker still doesn't work right, then you have to replace the whole icemaker. Sorry, Slick, but that's GE for ya. So, let's say you wanted to replaced your GE icemaker with a good ol' Whirlpool icemaker. How would you wire it into your fridge? Why, using the schematic diagram for the IM6, of course! By the way, if you'd like to call GE to tell them what a big fan you are, their number is 1-800-626-2000. Go git 'em!
Samurai Appliance Repair Man cast these pearls at 01:34 ET. [permalink]
![]() Grasshopper. I am your gracious host, Samurai Appliance Repair Man.
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