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Gas and Electric Stoves

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Appliantology: Ovens, Stoves, Ranges

Appliantology Table of Contents
Sooty Burner in Your Gas Oven
No, your gas oven shouldn't have any soot at all, not even a little bit.
Range Clock Fault Codes
Learn the meaning of that pesky F-code flashing on your range clock.
A Gas Oven That's Not Firing Up
If you have a gas oven that's not firing, don't be bonehead and automatically assume the valve is bad (hint: it's usually not). What else could it be? Read and learn.
Home on the Range
Think your oven is not cooking at the right temperature? You're probably right. Find out why.
My Range is Flashing an Error Code!
If you have one of the ranges with the electronic LED display and it's flashing an error code, this page may reveal the meaning of it to you.
Understanding Electric Range Outlets
Yessir, I explain both of 'em to you: the three wire and the four wire outlets. If it ain't here at Fixitnow.com, you don't need to know it!
How to Troubleshoot a Gas Stove that Won't Fire Up
Gas stove burners won't fire up and you're ready to put in a new spark module? Read this first!
How to Test the Elements and Switches on Your Electric Range
Oven or stove element not getting hot? Before you go spend a bunch of money on a new element, how 'bout finding out if it's really bad?
Converting a Gas Range
Converting your gas range from LP to natural gas or vice versa? This is for you!

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Diagnostic & Repair Guide: Stoves

Problem Possible Solution
[Electric Only]
"One of the elements on my electric stove doesn't come on and I've got company coming and I'm just gonna die!"
  • Ok, so maybe the element is burned out. "Oh, I know the element is burned out because it's not getting hot." Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause! And a bad element is the only possible explanation for there being no heat, isn't it, Virginia? Did you even bother to ohm out the element? A good element will read between 20 to 30 ohms. If the element shows the proper resistance, what else could be wrong? No, it just couldn't be a bad receptacle or a bad infinite switch, now could it?
  • Ok, so it could be a bad element receptacle after all. On plug-in type elements, pull out the element and inspect the receptacle and element plug ends. If you see lots of charring or pitting, replace the receptacle and the element.
  • The infinite switch could be fried (and frequently is, *gasp*!). Test for 240 volts AC at the two terminals going to the element when the switch is turned on. Yes, Sherlock, you'll need to use your meter and these are hot tests, meaning that voltage and amperage are present and could fry yo' ass.
[Electric Only]
The element only goes to high no matter where it's set.
  • Ain't but one thang, Yo: the infinite switch is toast. (Would you like fries with that?)
[Gas Only]
The burner won't fire up.
  • Spark module is fried. Make sure the ignitor is getting 120v. Ensure valve switch is also sending 120v signal to begin ignition. If you don't hear clicking sounds anywhere in the range, the spark module is toast.
  • One of the valve switches is fried. Test continuity.
  • If ticking sound is intermittent or muffled or seems to alternate between burners, then the spark module is defective.
  • A worn (leaky) ignition wire. The insulation on the ignition wire going to the electrode(s) can wear thin in spots causing the high voltage sparks to shunt to ground. You'll usually hear muffled ticking noises heard in odd places in the range. Inspect spark wire for wear spots in outer sheath.
  • Stove electrical supply receptacle is reverse wired (hot side is neutral and neutral side is hot). Rewire receptacle observing correct polarity.
[Gas Only]
The flame just does its own thing and can't be adjusted.
  • The burner valve is plum wore out.

Still confused?
To learn more about your range/stove/oven, or to order parts, click here.

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