Harisutosu hukkatsu! Jitsu ni hukkatsu!

Today is Easter (Pascha) for Orthodox Christians. Millions of Orthodox Christians all over the world are greeting each other with the traditional greeting, “Christ is risen!” And the traditional response, “Indeed He is risen!” In their own language, of course.

For example, in Japanese, the Samurai’s pseudo-native tongue, the greeting is, “Harisutosu hukkatsu!” And the reply, “Jitsu ni Hukkatsu!”

In another example, Orthodox Christians in Minnesota greet each other, “So, Christ is up dere den!” And the response, “Ya shure, ya betcha, He’s up dere den!”

Below is the traditional Paschal icon. Click it for a larger view.

After He died on the cross, Jesus descended into Hell and restored humanity’s fallen nature, represented here as freeing Adam and Eve. Hell was unable to withstand the Light of Christ and so was destroyed by the very presence of the Lord.


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