Category Archives: Samurai Incarnate

Posts about the Samurai in real life, work and play.

Samurai Love Song

As many of you know from reading the Samurai’s bio, I was kidnapped by a marauding band of sheep when I was a young whelp. I know: it sounds like a traumatic ordeal for a young, delicate flower of a boy to endure. And it was. But, looking back, I see it now as a positive experience that taught me many valuable life-skills, such as making animal noises and licking myself, which served me well upon my return to humanization.

Unquestionably, the most important way I benefitted from living with a bandit sheep herd was in winning the affections of Mrs. Samurai. Had I not lived immersed in that flock all those years, raised as one of their own, I would never have sung that momentous love sonnet to Mrs. Samurai that won me her heart. Let’s listen:

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Battleship Cove

The battleship USS MassachusettsHello, my friends. I just returned from an overnight camping trip with my two boyz aboard the USS Massachusetts ("Big Mamie") at Battleship Cove in Fall River, MA. This was a field trip with Cub Scout Pack 71 in New London, NH.

For young boys (and old boys like me!) this trip was endlessly fascinating. Battleship Cove hosts several other naval warships besides its famous battleship: the USS Lionfish, an attack submarine, the USS Joseph P. Kennedy, a destroyer, the Hidensee, a Russian-built rocket launching ship built for coastal defense, and a couple of PT boats. And you just can’t beat the price: $35 per person and this includes three square Navy-style meals (served onboard Big Mamie), berthing in the crew’s quarters and various educational and entertainment events. I loved one of the movies they showed onboard the ship that night, "Chips, the War Dog." mostly ’cause Chips looked almost exactly like our own German Shepherd, Ouzo.

If you ever get a chance to stay overnight on Big Mamie with your kids, I highly recommend it!

Special Offer from the 21st Century Zenzoid Man

Small book of prayers with icons.While supplies last, the 21st Century Zenzoid Man is giving away this Small Book of Prayers with Icons free!

This book is a product of Tregubov Studios, makers of fine iconographic products: greeting cards, festal cards, prayer books, embroidery instructions, and free email cards. Here’s their description of it:

This is a very useful, small book, in which Word and Image together bring us into the presence of God. Anybody with a busy lifestyle can keep this book in his/her pocket.

There is a full color icon reproduction on every other page of the book (Yes, it means 12 of them.) And there is a selection of the most essential prayers, including the prayers to the saints and guardian angels, for peace, for friends and families, and for the sick.

The composition on the cover of the book symbolizes the Tree of Life, the fruit of which is the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Taste this book and see!

And I can tell ya’, this makes one helluva addition to any toolbox! To get your free copy of this book, simply a mail self-addressed, large-size envelope with $0.60 postage affixed to:

The 21st Century Zenzoid Man
P.O. Box 809
New London, NH 03257

Who is the Samurai and What’s His Damage, Dude?

DOH!  I locked my keys in the van again!As a little boy, Samurai Appliance Repair Man showed a strong talent for hardly anything. Even in school, he was at the top of his class in mediocrity. Later, when he was kidnapped by a marauding band of sheep, he developed other important life skills, especially making animal noises and licking himself. Those skills would serve him well after he returned to civilization in his career as a volunteer in government-sponsored mind control experiments. Unfortunately, both he and his government programmers would later suffer nervous breakdowns and become institutionalized.

After being released from the New Hampshire Institute for the Hopelessly Insane, Samurai Appliance Repair Man set out to build a self-help appliance repair website, suffering from delusions that broken appliances mock and dishonor him. Although still a very sick man, the Samurai does offer live, real-time help at his website. If you live in or near New London, New Hampshire, he also offers in-home appliance repair services.

Mailbag: Happy Birthday Wishes to the Samurai

So my birthday came and went. How many people do you think emailed me happy birthday wishes? I’ll tell you: exactly one. Was it my mother? No. My sister? Nope. Saddam Hussein was the only person in the world to email a happy birthday wish to me:

--- Saddam Hussein < > wrote:
> They'll never think to look for me here.  I like
> your web site.  I look forward to meeting you.  Soon
> I will live in NH too, near you.  I know all about
> you.  
> I wear a bra.
> *****HAPPY BIRTHDAY*******
> Saddam
> _______________________________
> The above message was sent when you were offline,
> via your LivePerson site.
> Message sent from IP:

Now tell me: could this kind and thoughtful soul possibly be the monster portrayed by our Ameedican government? I smell a propaganda campaign. So he gassed a few people and fed some others through a shredder feet first. Is that so wrong? I think he’s just misunderstood.