Your Name: Chris
Type of Appliance: Dishwasher
Brand: Whirlpool quiet wash plus
Model Number: DU8950XY-1
Your Precious Words:
It was not draining so I tried everything….so i finally took the motor pump apart..I got down to the filter and when I took it off there was a giant can opener(like on top of a coke can) and underneath was a spring…when I took the filter off, this part of the impeller kit came off…so I put it back on and the washer made a scrapping sound…I took it back a part and took off the spring and can opener looking part and put it back together and now it “seems” to be working….Do I need this part and if so, how do I re install it properly?

Yep, the impeller inside your dishwasher has done what we professional appliantologists call, “broke.” That is to say, a catastrophic mechanical failure of the materials such that the dishwasher is no longer able to fulfill its design function.
Pictured below is the impeller and seal kit for your dishwasher, notice that the piece you found and sent me the photo of is among the parts of the kit:

You just need to replace the impeller kit, which you can get right here ==>
The kit comes with instructions and is pretty easy to install.
You can find whatever appliance part you need through the parts search box at No harm in buying and trying with our 365-day, no-hassle return policy, even on electrical parts that were installed!
The Appliance Guru provides prompt, convenient service in the following towns in New Hampshire: New London, Elkins, Wilmot, Springfield, Georges Mills, Sunapee, Mt. Sunapee, Newbury, Sutton, Bradford, Warner, Grantham, and the Eastman Community. Visit our website for more info and a discount coupon on your next service call ==>
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