On Wednesday, Oct. 6, 2010, RepairClinic.com launched a new state-of-the-art website to provide customers with the highest quality service. This new site features, among other innovations, a new part-search engine loaded with additional part information; a more refined, but customer-friendly checkout process; and expanded product lines.
RepairClinic.com new product lines include outdoor power equipment, and vacuum cleaners. They offer both OEM and after-market parts for 24 brands of walk-behind lawn mowers, riding lawn mowers, zero turn radius (ZTR) lawn mowers, and small engines. They are also offering an entire inventory of OEM replacement parts and accessories for seven brands of vacuum cleaners.
New Features of RepairClinic.com:
Part Replacement Videos
RepairClinic.com has revolutionized the do-it-yourself world by producing step-by-step, high-definition part-replacement videos. Each video demonstrates complete disassembly, part replacement, and reassembly of the appliance. If a part-replacement video is available, a video icon will appear below the part description. We currently offer over 100 part-replacement videos and are producing over 40 new videos each month.
Search No Further
RepairClinic.com newly enhanced “Shop for Parts” search engine is unlike any other in the appliance-parts industry today: it unites customers with their parts more quickly and easily than ever before. The part selections are titled more clearly for easier identification and there inventory of parts are re-categorized for more accurate search results. Searches can be generated from menus or keywords, and customers can select or deselect search criteria at any time and in any order; generating a new set of results each time.
It’s All In the Details
Identifying parts is made easier with there “Part Detail” page which gives clear and precise part descriptions and displays larger part images. Most part images appear on a 1-square-inch grid, and can be viewed at twice their size for a more detailed view of the part. Many parts also have a “RepairGuru® Tip” offering additional helpful information about the part. They assign a skill-level rank to many parts: “one wrench” means an easy repair; “four wrenches” means a difficult repair and may need a repair technician.
Location, Location, Location
Providing a model number generates the most accurate result when searching for a part. RepairClinic.com exclusive “Model Number Identification” videos help customers identify the product’s model-number tag and its location on the product. Each video displays a rotating 3-D computer-generated illustration of the product showing clear views of possible tag locations. Also available for quick reference are static 3-D illustrations of each product for possible tag locations.
The Buck Stops Here
RepairClinic.com new and innovative checkout process allows customers to view, modify, and complete their order with ease. They have combined all of the checkout information onto one page to simplify the process. Customers complete each section, and review their order before submission to prevent any errors. A clear, concise order-confirmation page appears for printing for the customers’ records.
No Need For a Bloodhound
Tracking an order is now available directly from there website. Customers click on “Order Tracking” from any page on the website, “Log In” to their account, and click on the order number they want to track. Customers will view the ship date, shipment method, and the tracking number linked to the carrier. Customers can still contact “Customer Service” for order information, but online access is now much quicker and easier.